Source: www.123rf.com
This is a personal weblog, reflecting my personal views and not the views of anyone or any organization, which I may be affiliated to. All information provided here, including recommendations (if any), should be treated for informational purposes only. The author should not be held liable for any informational errors, incompleteness, or delays, or for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein.
1. The first 3 charts (DKSH, Nestle & Carlsbg) don't tell us much. They are still in an uptrend.So, watch out for the breaking of the 50-w EMA line. However, since the market has gone up so much in the past few years, a better approach would be to take some profit. Why give away your profit by waiting for a drop that would trigger a sell?!
2. The 3rd chart (Carlsbg) shows a stock that is still in an uptrend line but it had declined quite a lot from the recent high. Notice how the drop accelerated after it broke the 50-w EMA line.
3. The same thing happened to GAB after it broke the 50-w EMA line. GAB has broken below its uptrend line.
4. The following 2 charts (JTinter & Harison) broke the 50-w EMA line and dropped sharply before recovering.
5. Dlady (the next chart) did not break the 50-w EMA line and enters into a mild consolidation phase.
6. The last 2 charts (PPB & Shell) shows that not all breakdown would be followed by swift recovery.
The selloff (in the emerging market) underscores fears that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to taper its bond purchases may take a heavy toll on the developing world, as U.S. interest rates begin the long climb back to normal levels. With emerging nations looking more risky by the day, higher U.S. rates will act as a magnet for global capital. (here)So, are we seeing another round of emerging market selloff due to Fed's tapering?
Renounceable rights issue of up to 322,665,266 new ordinary shares of USD0.10 each in XDL (“XDL shares”) (“rights shares”) at an issue price of RM0.35 per rights share, together with up to 241,998,950 free detachable warrants in XDL (“warrants 2014”) and an attached bonus issue of up to 241,998,950 new XDL shares (“bonus shares”) to be credited as fully paid-up at par, on the basis of four (4) rights shares together with three (3) free warrants 2014 and three (3) bonus shares for every twelve (12) existing XDL shares held at 5p.m. on 23 December 2013 (Ex Date: 19 December 2013).On the last cum date, XDL closed at RM0.385. The calculation of the theoretical ex-right value is as follows:
With over 30 years experience in the plastic injection industry, Hil Industries Berhad (HIL) enjoys the reputation of being a leading custom injection moulder of engineering plastics in South East Asia.A check on its financials would immediately give you a different impression. For FY2012, HIL reported a net loss after tax of RM3.1 million on a revenue of RM80 million. The previous year, it made a small net profit of RM483k on a revenue of RM106 million. For 9-month ended 30/9/2013, HIL reported a net profit of RM676k on a revenue of RM58 million.