I have just received the latest ITTO report for early April. I noticed that the table in my earlier two posts on this subject were wrong because I had mistaken the period of these reports. The error arose because ITTO prepares two reports for each month- one for the first half of the month & the other for the second half of the month. Nevertheless, the sequence of the data as presented in the earlier posts is correct & the conclusion still stands. That conclusion is the prices of timber products had bottomed & are now rising.
Source: The ITTO Tropical Timber Market ReportsFrom the above table, we can see that the prices of panel products, which were to first to see improved prices, are enjoying higher percentage price increases. This means companies, such like Evergreen, Mieco & Hevea should see better performance in the months ahead.
Note: Of the three stocks noted above, I prefer Evergreen & Mieco.
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