Chart: IJMLand's daily chart as at Dec 30, 2010_10.55am (Source: Quickcharts)
Why is this stock plunging today? Is there a negative development in relation to its recent proposal for a merger with MRCB? We will have to wait & see.
This is a personal weblog, reflecting my personal views and not the views of anyone or any organization, which I may be affiliated to. All information provided here, including recommendations (if any), should be treated for informational purposes only. The author should not be held liable for any informational errors, incompleteness, or delays, or for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein.
Hi Alex:
As usual up and down is the norm of the day in stock trading . Only with this gyrations that someone may win and some other guy will loose instead. At the end of the day , its level will be fairly reflected. If someone were to hold it for medium term or possibly long term , he may or may not recover what he has invested. He should calculate the tolerable risks he may encounter if market turns otherwise.
To all blogger, wishing you Happy New Year 2011.
Well wishing from
Hello Alex,
Today saw alot of plantations and O&G counters in active. What is your view on this and what are the attractive counters that we can enter since most of it has hit multiple highs?
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