Over the past 4 weeks, market players were hoping that the market would stage a rebound after the main market barometer, FBMKLCI managed to stay above its long-term uptrend line, SS at 1675. Alas this hope was in vain, and with each passing days, it looks more likely that we may see a re-est of this uptrend line again. With the weakness abound everywhere, the market may not be able to stay above the uptrend line in next test.

Chart 1: FBMKLCI's weekly chart as at Nov 26, 2018_2.30 (Source: Malaysiastock.biz)
DJIA is still below its long-term uptrend line, SS.

Chart 2: DJIA's daily chart as at Nov 23, 2018 (Source: Stockcharts.com)
Commodity prices have weakened steadily over the past 2 months. CRB index has dropped from its recent peak of 202 in early October to 179 last Friday. If CRB were to go below 177, the index's uptrend would be over.

Chart 3; CRB's daily chart as at Nov 23, 2018 (Source: Stockcharts.com)
Brent index broke the long-term uptrend line at USD65.

Chart 4: Brent's daily chart as at Nov 23, 2018 (Source: Stockcharts.com)
Meanwhile, CPO is at a 6 years low!

Chart 5: CPO's weekly chart as at Nov 26, 2018_2.45 (Source: Investing.com)
Meanwhile a lot of people are planning to come out for a street celebration on December 8. The people behind this street party were once the people who wanted to ban or curb the Bersih demonstrations of yesteryear! The people who organized the Bersih demos are now among those who want to ban or curb the planned street party. The more things changed, the more they remain the same. And, the same applies to the stock market; the bearish market today will be followed by a bullish market a few quarters down the road. So, don't be disheartened! Make used of the down time to buy some good stocks. Good luck and stay safe!
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