Chart 1: GenM's daily chart as at Mar 31, 2011_4.30pm (Source: Quickcharts)

Chart 2: GenM's weekly chart as at Mar 31, 2011 (Source: Quickcharts)
[Note: This was added subsequently to show the upcoming horizontal resistance.]
For those who want to punt on this bullish breakout, you may try the CWs (see the table below). All the CWs are fairly priced but my preference is for GenM-JA.

Table: GenM's CWs' terms & valuation
Great call!
By the way, any idea about GAMUDA?
Hi Alex
Kindly comment about Notion .
Hi Alex,
I 4see there are big accumulation in glove stocks at this moment either by shareholders or EPF or LTH
Do you think is right time to enter ?
what's a JA? similiar to CA?
Hi Alex:
When most of the shares are up correspondingly the warrants are also up in tandem. On top of that , most of the warrants are coming to maturity within months . Thus only the dare-devils who never say die are advised to venture and not for the soft-hearted type. It is just my opinion.Say what you may like.
GenM bought Pan Malaysian Pool.
do visit my for more analysis on klse stocks okay. http://theklsewolf.blogspot.com
Dear Alex,
What do you think about masterskill ?
Hi Mad Investor
Despite various reports in the newspapers, there has been no official announcement that GenM has bought in Pan Malaysian Pool. The drop in the share price today is rather peculiar. Is the market saying that it viewed this acquisition negatively? Or, is it saying that it may not pan out as reported in the newspapers?
GenM-JA is a CBLC, which is very similar to a CW. You may check out my earlier posting on CBLCs.
Hi leslieroycarter
What can I say: One Person's Meat Is Another Person's Poison.
Hi cheer
Notion has a breakout above its medium-term downtrend line at RM2.10. Its first resistance level is at RM2.15 and then at RM2.50 & RM2.60.
On rubber glove sector, your guess is as good as mine. However, this sector may benefit from any correction in rubber latex prices as well as the strengthening of the USD, which I have posted on earlier. This has now been proven to be short-lived. As such, the recovery in this sector may not have started or it would not be as swift as I had hope for.
Hi Ivan
GAMUDA seems to have found some support & is poised for a rebound. For the rally to gain traction, it must first surpass the immediate string horizontal resistance at RM3.90-3.95.
What do you think about Eng tecknologi holding bhd?
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