If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride On Them

Chart 1: TOYOINK's weekly chart as at Feb 22, 2018_11.12am (Source: Malaysiastock.biz)
The rally in TOYOINK has caused a sharp rally for TOYOINK-WA. The latter jumped from RM0.005 to RM0.135 now. You may ask, Why was this warrant so cheap? That's very good question. And the answer: It is due to expire worthless in 57 days... until now. With an exercise price of RM1.50, the chance of this warrant attaining any intrinsic value is pretty slim. In a market deprived of good trading opportunity, even dicey opportunity mustn't go to waste. I presume I don't have to say what you shouldn't do in this situation.

Chart 2: TOYOINK-WA's weekly chart as at Feb 22, 2018_11.12am (Source: Malaysiastock.biz)
[UPDATE] I better say it; Stay away or walk away from TOYOINK-WA. If nothing good is forthcoming in TOYOINK, the share price would drop back. And, TOYOINK-WA would not only drop back, it would tumble back quickly to RM0.005.
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